Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thing #6: Feed Your Reader

First of all, I have to admit that this title reminds me of a children's book called The Hungry Thing, which I promptly googled and found this delightful read-aloud on YouTube.

Anyhow, I made the executive decision that as I've been using a reader for quite sometime, I could go ahead and only wait about 3 days before completing the reader reflection blog. There's always at least one article each day that I want to write about, but I rarely have the time that I do today.

My all-time favorite, good for any occasion blog is a blog called Flashlight Worthy Books. In fact, I love it so much that I support it by having Amazon's FLW credit bookmarked so that they get a tiny portion every time I buy something. FLW has been a great resource for me in the classroom this year. When I realized that all my kids loved ghost stories and sports novels (never two of my favorite genres), I turned to FLW and found great-quality books to suggest to my students! This week, I'm going to suggest that all my fellow secondary teachers check out the most recent young adult post, Oh Mom!, featuring YA books with mother and daughter relationships.

In addition, I also read the article Zero Tolerance on David Warlick's blog. I have to say, I started following this blog because it was so opinionated. I love a good argument, whether I agree with it or not. In this article, he was very blunt about saying that "They’ve had enough time to decide if they want to teach today or yesterday — enough time to decide if they want to prepare their learners for the future, or for the 1950s." In truth, I kind of agree with it. I've got my 80 year-old professor following me on Twitter, and if he can adapt to the new educational standard, so can we. But I also feel that we, MISD, need to provide a little more forced support for teachers who have yet to get with the program before we take them around to look at storefronts for laundromats.

All in all, I'm excited that I actually have an excuse to use my Google Reader more often. Wooo! 6 down!

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen the Flashlight Worthy Book blog. Thanks for sharing a quality site.
